The urgent issues facing us, such as unexpected climate change, loss of biodiversity, declining marine resources, microplastics, and infectious diseases that spark pandemics, are global challenges that require actions coordinated in the global scale. Many of those problems are closely linked to how we approach agriculture and our food systems.
Sustainable farming centered on organic agriculture is becoming ever more critical as we confront these pressing realities. “Organic 3.0,” as advocated by IFOAM-Organics International, hereafter IFOAM, can serve as one of the important guideposts pointing us toward the direction we should pursue.
In Japan, however, few organizations have the capacity to engage on a global level while working locally. We take pride in being one of the few groups that bridges this gap. Although our activities were hindered in recent years due to organizational challenges, we are now on track to build a new structure to revitalize our work starting in 2024-2025.
Building on the achievements of our predecessors, we pledge to continue connecting Japan and the global community to promote organic and sustainable agriculture in the future. To this end, we have outlined our present activity plan as follows and will make updated activities public mainly on the IFOAM-Japan website:
Sharing Information: From Japan to the World
We will share the current state of organic agriculture in Japan and introduce the activities of related organizations and groups to the international community.
Sharing Information: From the World to Japan
We will bring insights on global organic and sustainable agriculture initiatives and activities to Japan.
International Exchange: Organic Agriculture interactions in Japan
We will invite international participants to join tours that visit organic farming regions and producers in Japan, fostering exchange and collaboration on shared challenges.
International Exchange: Learning about Global Organic Agriculture
We will encourage domestic participants to join activities aimed at understanding and sharing challenges in global organic agriculture, with a particular focus on the 2024 IFOAM-Organic International General Assembly (Taiwan) and other related events.
Raising Awareness: Publishing a summary of “The World of Organic Agriculture”
We will release a Japanese summary of The World of Organic Agriculture, published by IFOAM and FiBL, on our website, helping readers understand Japan’s position within the global organic agriculture landscape.
November 26, 2024
Toshiaki Takahashi
Chairperson of IFOAM Japan (Non-Profit Organization)
IFOAM Japanからのメッセージ
有機農業を中心とした持続的な循環型農業は、私たちがこのような危機的現実に直面しているがゆえにますます必要なっており、IFOAMが提唱する「Organic 3.0」は私たちがめざすべき方向を指し示す重要な「道しるべ」のひとつです。
とりわけ2024年IFOAM-Organic International総会(台湾)や関係諸団体との活動への参加。
普及啓発:The World of Organic Agriculture日本語要約版の発行
IFOAM, Fiblが発行するThe World of Organic Agricultureの日本語要約版をこのHPで発表し、世界のなかでの日本の有機農業の現状を理解できるようにします。
2024年11月26日 NPO法人 IFOAMジャパン 理事長 高橋俊彰